As Director of Juvenile Justice Services, Ms. Burke is responsible for efforts to divert youth away from entering the juvenile justice system through youth services programs. Ms. Burke began her criminal justice career working as the Community Coordinator for the Salt Lake Area Gang Project, delivering community education programs and gang intervention services. Ms. Burke went on to hold several positions with the Utah Governor's Commission on Criminal & Juvenile Justice, including Anti-Violence Coordinator, Juvenile Justice Specialist, and Director of the Utah Substance Abuse and Anti-Violence Coordinating Council. Ms. Burke continues to serve on the Commission on Criminal & Juvenile Justice. In 2005, Ms. Burke received the Governor's Award for her work to enact the Drug Offender Reform Act. Ms. Burke received both her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Utah.
Susan Burke
Director, Juvenile Justice Services, Commission on Criminal & Juvenile Justice, Utah
Date Created: July 10, 2020