Marlyn Tillman is the Co-Chair of the Gwinnett Parent Coalition to Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline (Gwinnett SToPP). She also serves as the School to Prison Pipeline Director at the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia. After moving to Georgia and seeing how her oldest son was targeted in school, Tillman took action and co-founded the Gwinnett SToPP in 2007. Gwinnett SToPP was formed to lead a parent-driven, community centered partnership approach to dismantling the school to prison pipeline in Gwinnett County. The coalition seeks to build and strengthen relationships within the community in two constructive ways. The first way is to increase public awareness of the injustice that all children face within the educational system as it relates to the pipeline and the judicial process. Secondly, by promoting policy changes through data accountability and fact-based incident reporting which serve to support and strengthen the dismantling of the school to prison pipeline in Gwinnett County. Tillman also serves on the Gwinnett County Human Relations Commission, the steering committee of the national Dignity in Schools Campaign, and the Gwinnett County Public Schools GEMS curriculum review committee.
Marlyn Tillman
Date Created: July 10, 2020