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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Diane Justice

Diane Justice is a Senior Program Director at the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) and manages the organization's portfolio of work in the areas of state delivery systems for chronic care, behavior health, long term services and supports, and dual eligibles. She is leading NASHP's work in evaluating the CMS funded State Demonstrations to Integrate Care for Dual Eligibles, and the Assessment of the Early Implementation of 2703 Health Homes; and participates in the evaluations of the Multi-payer Primary Care Practice Demonstration and State Innovation Models. She is also directing a project funded by the MacArthur Foundation to support states in enhancing health coverage and access for juvenile justice-involved youth. She has led work supported by SAMHS on Medicaid Financing of Evidence Based Practices; provided content support to the SAMHSA State Policy Academy on Implementation of the Olmstead Decision, and conducted a five part series of training on Medicaid for SAMHSA staff. She served as Deputy Secretary on Aging at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Executive Director of the National Association of State Units on Aging and has a long history of providing technical assistance to states on delivery systems and payment reform.

Date Created: July 10, 2020