Diana Denboba is the Branch Chief of the Integrated Services Branch, Division of Children with Special Health Needs (DSCSHCN), Federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Ms. Denboba's educational and work experiences have included early childhood development/education, first as a head teacher at a Parent and Child Center and later as a Director with Johns Hopkins Hospital. This was her first experience working in partnership with families as day care assistants and trainers. In addition, as a Head Start teacher, she encouraged moms, dads, grandparents, and siblings to volunteer in the classroom. Other working experiences include day care consultant in migrant camps on the Eastern Shore and Frederick for the Maryland's Department of Education; infant specialist and labor and delivery coach with the Clinical Infant Development Program, a community mental health/research center; and in the area of family professional partnerships.
Her primary responsibilities currently include policy, program, and budget development and implementation of the DSCSHCN's core outcomes and programs. She is the Program Director for Family/Professional Partnerships, family-centered care, cultural competence and serves as Project Officer for the Family Voices' National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships, the National Center for Cultural Competence, and, was the Project Officer for "Champions for Inclusive Communities" National Center. Ms. Denboba also serves as the Bureau representative to HSRA's Cultural Competence Committee, the Bureau Evaluation Coordinating Committee, several federal interagency workgroups, and the Electronic Handbook and Discretionary Grant Information Systems committees.
Diana Denboba
Date Created: July 9, 2020