Byron Johnson is Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute for Studies of Religion (ISR) as well as director of the Program on Prosocial Behavior, both at Baylor University. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, New Jersey, and Senior Research Scholar at the Institute for Jewish and Community Research in San Francisco. Before joining the faculty at Baylor University, Johnson directed research centers at Vanderbilt University and the University of Pennsylvania. Johnson is currently completing a series of studies for the Department of Justice on the role of religion in prosocial youth behavior. He is recognized as a leading authority on the scientific study of religion, the efficacy of faith-based organizations, domestic violence, and criminal justice. Recent publications have examined the impact of faith-based programs on recidivism reduction and prisoner reentry. Along with other ISR colleagues he is completing a series of groundbreaking studies on religion and spirituality in China. Professor Johnson is currently partnering working with the Gallup Organization on a global study addressing religion and spirituality in 142 nations. He has published more than hundred journal articles and book chapters, as well as several books and many research monographs. Johnson's research has been used in consultation with the Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Department of Labor, and the National Institutes of Health. His research has been used in consultation with the Department of Justice, Department of Defense, Department of Labor, and the National Institutes of Health.